Saturday, 13 April 2013

10 things you can do with Gmail / Google Apps for Business

become a Gmail ninja

Customers are often amazed at the features Gmail and Google Apps for Business provides right out of the box, here are 10;-

  1. Undo Send - undo or recall an email for up to 30 seconds. 
  2. Auto translate - translate incoming messages automatically. 
  3. Preview Google Docs - without leaving Gmail, e.g. contact form data. 
  4. See your Calendar in the left hand navigation panel 
  5. See your Quick Links (regular things you search for) in the left hand navigation panel 
  6. See your most recent Google Docs in the left hand navigation panel 
  7. Delegate your email to an assistant 
  8. Remove bad language - even from yourself  ;-)
  9. Remove prohibited attachments, e.g. mp3, or other file types on your watch list 
  10. Auto forward to a colleague based on a filter 

Learn more about Gmail Features

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